Construction, Engineering, Software

When one hears a reference to “modular construction” often specific construction projects, such as prefabricated concrete commercial buildings come to mind. While this is a prime example, it is probably more descriptive to think of modular as a construction method rather than a specific type of construction material. Modular construction is the process by which a structure (whether it be an apartment, business building, home or even a large product like an oceangoing ship) is manufactured in major components (modules), often using the same materials as conventional builds. This means that the final assembly process is completed in significantly less time. The final product is produced in modules to be later assembled at the site where it will be placed in use.

Modular Construction
The Walt Disney Concert Hall was the first commercial building completely designed in 3D by the architect, Frank Gehry. Over 800 unique, custom fit stainless steel panels were laser cut then transported to the construction site for assembly.

The modular production process has several benefits. These benefits include:

  • Due to the more compact size, modules can often be built in more controlled environments (even indoors).
  • Components can be manufactured more quickly and repeatedly, resulting in more precisely built modules.
  • Modules can be manufactured based on proximity to the most efficient machinery, fixturing or skilled personnel. 
  • Better uniformity of modules can yield a better assembled final product. 
  • Few, if any, weather delays or damage.
  • Less waste in production and material costs
  • Less overall time in construction from start to finish. 

Though modular construction sounds perfect, challenges still exist. For modular assembly to be cost effective, each module must be manufactured within tight design tolerances, enabling final assembly without costly modifications. Modules must also be packed, shipped, and delivered without damage. Often, final assembly will require unique handling, guidance, and care during the assembly process to assure consistency. 

The HammerHeadLogic team has developed software to help modular constructors in a variety of industries manage these challenges so the final assembled product is as designed. We understand how to help you leverage virtual product manufacturing to improve your real-world customer experiences. 

Let’s Talk About Modular Construction

No matter what the nature is of your manufacturing challenges, we are here to help. Contact us today to discuss how a partnership with our company can help with your modular construction needs. 

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