Engineering, Research, Software

What’s in a name?

The most asked question we receive is, “How, or why, did you pick the name HammerHead Logic?” Those of you responsible for naming a new business will...

Engineering, Software, Trends

The Benefits of Digital Assembly

As the demand for both commercial and military aircraft increased dramatically over the past several decades, manufacturers sought out the use of new...

Engineering, Research, Software

Energy Sector

Regardless of the form, whether it be fossil fuels, biofuels, wind, water, light, magnetic, or even atomic particles, all energy sources face the same...

Software, UI

A Better User Interface

Everyone wants software with an easy-to-use user interface. Yet, the definition for “easy-to-use” is a moving target, one that can vary from person to...

Automation, Software


Nearly every industry seeks to better utilize automation to expand manufacturing, improve quality, lessen production costs, increase flexibility, and enhance...

Areospace, Software


Understanding the unique demands of software for the aviation industry is a key asset we provide with our experience. We are uniquely familiar with the design...

IoT, Software

Cloud & IoT Applications

Almost every modern application makes use of the cloud.  Sometimes it is for simple data storage and collaboration.  In other situations, the...

Construction, Engineering, Software

Modular Construction

When one hears a reference to “modular construction” often specific construction projects, such as prefabricated concrete commercial buildings come to...

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